Frequently Asked Questions

🗨️ What types of logs are stored in the system?
To ensure confidentiality and security, we do not retain any personal or transaction information once the session is deleted.
We recommend using JokerMix over the Tor version with a VPN for those who care about their privacy.

🗨️ What cryptocurrencies do you support?
We support two cryptocurrencies : Bitcoin and Dash.

🗨️ What is the minimum amount?
Bitcoin - 0.001 BTC.
Dash - 1 DASH.

🗨️ What is the maximum amount?
Bitcoin - 1 BTC per request.
Dash - 20 DASH per request.

🗨️ What address formats do you accept?
We accept the following destination address formats:
Bitcoin: BC1P = Taproot address P2TR, BC1 = SegWit address P2WPKH, 3 = Script address P2SH, 1 = Legacy address P2PKH.
Dash: X.

🗨️ How long does it take to clean the coins?
The process can take anywhere from 1 to 120 hours after receiving the first confirmation of the incoming customer transaction for Bitcoin, while it can take 2 to 288 hours for Dash after receiving the first confirmation of the incoming customer transaction.

🗨️ Do you accept cryptocurrencies associated with illegal activities?
Yes, we fully accept all cryptocurrencies, regardless of their origins.

🗨️ I am still in the status of awaiting participation?
Until there are enough participants at the same time for a transaction, you will wait for their participation because the process cannot happen without participants.

🗨️ Do fees affect the speed of the process?
No, fees do not affect the speed of the process.

🗨️ How to calculate fees?
The service fees include 2%, except for the 15 satoshis and additional fees related to sending an incoming and outgoing transaction.
This fee is because we use the coinjoin method multiple times and it is resource intensive.
Network fees not included are for rounds during coinjoin, where each participant loses satoshis per round that cannot be evenly distributed among the amounts corresponding to the other participants.

🗨️ What should I do if my browser crashes during the process?
If your browser crashes or you accidentally leave the page during the process and your participation has already started, the transaction and process will continue automatically.
You can also return to your session if you saved your session ID.
Don't forget to save your PGP Guarantee Letter and Session ID before you begin.

🗨️ I forgot to save the PGP guarantee letter?
Before you worry, check if you have saved the .txt file in your Downloads and Documents folders on your computer - perhaps you have saved the letter PGP in one of these locations.
Also, check your browser history if your session ID is still saved.
If you have left your session and have not saved the PGP Guarantee Letter and Session ID, unfortunately we will not be able to help you.

🗨️ I sent a lower amount?
If you send an amount less than indicated, the process will not work.
Any lower amount is considered a donation.

🗨️ I sent a higher amount?
If you send an amount higher than the one indicated, the session will not work and you will need to provide your PGP letter to receive a refund.
Please provide a destination address for refund, please note we will deduct network fees.

🗨️ I forgot to delete the session?
Don't worry if you forget to delete your session, it will be automatically deleted after 7 days for Bitcoin and 13 days for Dash.

🗨️ I lost my session ID?
If you lost your session ID, you can find it in the PGP Guarantee Letter.

🗨️ How long is the PGP guarantee letter valid?
Your PGP Guarantee Letter is only valid for 7 days for Bitcoin and 13 days for Dash, after which it is no longer valid.
Only if your session remains active and you have not deleted your session, otherwise the PGP letter will be deleted.

🗨️ After 7/13 days, can I still appeal with my PGP guarantee letter?
The answer is no.
You can no longer appeal after the 7/13 days as indicated above.
We do not keep your PGP guarantee letter, and any complaint is considered closed.
We recommend that you contact us before the end of the 7/13 days, ideally on the same day if you encounter a problem.
Please be aware that if you have clicked on the red button, you will also delete the PGP letter and there will be no way to recover the data as it will be permanently deleted.

🗨️ How long will the session and the address for the transfer of parts remain valid?
The maximum duration is 7 days for Bitcoin and 13 days for Dash.
We advise you to open a new session to avoid any problems.

🗨️ I sent cryptocurrencies and the session was no longer valid?
Sending cryptocurrencies after the session has ended will result in a permanent loss of your cryptocurrencies.

🗨️ What happens if I send cryptocurrencies to the same address twice?
If you send twice to the same address, the process will be halted and you will need to provide your PGP letter to receive a refund.

🗨️ What is the number of network confirmations required to start the process?
The process begins after receiving 1 network confirmation, and subsequently, it joins the participation queue.

🗨️ My transaction hasn't left the mixing address yet?
You need to wait for the participants to come together once all the participants are together your transaction will go to CoinJoin.

🗨️ I sent cryptocurrencies on a session after more than 2 days?
You have 7 days for Bitcoin and 13 days for Dash to send your cryptocurrencies.
If you send your cryptocurrencies, for example, within 3 days, we recommend creating a new session and deleting your current session.
If you have already sent the transaction and the deadline is too late, unfortunately, we will not be able to assist you, and no refunds will be given as the session cannot be extended.

🗨️ I sent a transaction with very low fees, the transaction is still not confirmed on the blockchain?
If your transaction confirmation takes longer due to low transaction fees, the session will remain active.
Rest assured there is no need to worry, even if the transaction takes 2 days to be confirmed, the process will start after the first confirmation.
It is recommended to send a transaction with higher fees, keep in mind that the session is only active for 7 days for Bitcoin and 13 days for Dash.

🗨️ Why does the amount received not match?
It is common for the amount received to differ upon receipt, as transactions may be divided into several parts.
This division may explain the difference in amount received.
It is important to wait until the end of the process to obtain the final quantity.
Occasionally, the session may be successfully completed and finished, resulting in the arrival of your cryptocurrencies in a short period of time.
There may be congestion on the network, which can sometimes cause delays in receiving your cryptocurrencies.
Don't forget to factor in transaction fees as well.
If there is a problem and you still have not received the final amount, please contact us to refund the correct amount.

🗨️ I would like to cancel my participation, is this possible?
Yes, you have the option to cancel a transaction even if it is currently in progress.
You can reach out to us by providing your PGP guarantee letter under one condition: if the process takes longer than expected, if there are not enough participants, and if you are in a hurry to withdraw your cryptocurrencies.
Upon refund, we will deduct network fees and service commission.

🗨️ I clicked the red button, is my PGP Guarantee Letter still valid?
Unfortunately, if you clicked the red button and have your PGP Guarantee Letter, we will not be able to help you as all data has been deleted, including the PGP Guarantee Letter.
Please note that if you delete the session, you will also lose your cryptocurrencies if the process was still in progress.
Please delete your session only if you have no issues and your mix is ​​successful.

🗨️ I want to open a new session?
If you want to create a new session, it's simple.
You just have to end your current session by clicking on the red button (Destroy my session).
Please be careful, as clicking on the red button will permanently delete all your information.
If you still have a session in progress, please wait for the process to complete before starting a new session.
Note that it would be better to open a new session in another browser if you still have a session in progress.

🗨️ I accidentally clicked the red button?
If you have mistakenly clicked on the red button and destroyed your session, we will not be able to help you, even if you have saved your PGP letter.
By clicking on the red button (destroy my session), you will completely delete the data.
You will also lose your cryptocurrencies.

🗨️ I deleted my session by clicking the red button during the process?
If you pressed the red button while your session was in progress and the process was not complete, you risk losing your cryptocurrencies permanently.
Please note that we do not provide any help since you deleted all your data yourself.

🗨️ Should I delete my session if I encounter a problem?
No, do not click the red button if the process encounters a problem.
Please always keep your session active so we can resolve the issue.

🗨️ I accidentally sent another cryptocurrency?
Unfortunately, we cannot assist with this issue as it is beyond our control.
The outcome depends on the blockchain, and any sending error to an address of a different cryptocurrency will result in a permanent loss.

🗨️ How can I track status?
When you create a session, an ID will be assigned to you.
If you save it, you can enter it at the bottom of the home page.

🗨️ I haven't received my cryptocurrencies yet?
The waiting time for the return of your cryptocurrencies may be longer than expected and can sometimes exceed several hours.
This could indicate a lack of participants or congestion within the blockchain network, potentially causing delays or failures in the process.
If you have not received your cryptocurrencies, we advise you to contact us before the 7-13 day delay, especially if you have been waiting for more than 5 days for Bitcoin and 11 days for Dash.
Please do not delete your session and provide your PGP Guarantee Letter to our support team, we will then resend your cryptocurrencies to the destination address indicated in the PGP Guarantee Letter.

🗨️ The session confirms the success of the mixing process however I have not received my cryptocurrencies at the destination address indicated?
An error occurred during the mixing process, causing your funds to be sent to the recovery pool.
This situation can occur due to a variety of factors, including sudden market drops, increased network fees, network congestion, DDoS attacks, or bugs.
As a result, your funds may not be sent to your cryptocurrency address, triggering an automated system designed to protect your cryptocurrencies.
Even if your session shows a successful mix in green, you will need to contact us to request a refund of your cryptocurrencies.
We will only send the funds back to the address you provided, as stated in the PGP Guarantee Letter.
Please do not delete your session.

🗨️ My session displays the error message Tolow?
There is insufficient money remaining in the wallet balance (after connecting the coin) to be sent to the user, you must contact us to receive the amount corresponding to the balance, which may indicate that you have received a lesser amount.

🗨️ I made an address error when entering my destination address?
If you made a mistake when entering your destination address for your cryptocurrencies, it is important to note that this may result in a permanent loss.
Unfortunately, we won't be able to help you because the process has already started.
It is therefore your responsibility to take care when entering your information.

🗨️ My transaction is not detected?
If you have sent a payment and your session does not display the amount received and remains on the payment request, you must manually refresh your page please note that it is necessary to wait for 1 blockchain confirmation!
If your session still remains on the same page even after 1 confirmation it can also mean that there is a problem, you must contact us with your PGP guarantee letter.

🗨️ I arrive on the 404 page?
It is because you entered a wrong url or if you tried to access your session from the url, knowing that we do not keep cookies, you will therefore have to restore your session from the home page.

🗨️ I can't restore my session?
If your session is terminated or expired, it is normal that the session ID is no longer valid because your session has been deleted according to our no-logging policy.
However, if you cannot restore your session with the ID and the session is still valid that has not expired, this means either that the session was deleted before the deadline because the mixing process has completed correctly, this can happen or that there is a problem with your session, please always save your PGP guarantee letter.

🗨️ Nothing is displayed on the session?
If nothing is displayed on the session such as the address or the PGP guarantee letter, this means that the server has a problem, we recommend that you open or a new session later and do not send anything if the PGP guarantee letter does not appear.

🗨️ How do refunds work if something goes wrong?
Refunds will be made to your old original address or the address that appears on the PGP guarantee letter.
In most cases, this will be the destination address you entered.
Network fees will not be refundable!

🗨️ I received my cryptocurrency without it being mixed?
This is an automatic or manual refund, it means either the coinjoin does not have enough participants or the site is experiencing a problem, there can be several different factors.
Please take into consideration that we will not be able to refund the network fees.

🗨️ How can I contact you?
You can click on the Email logo at the bottom to get the email address.
You can click the "Email" logo at the bottom to get the email address.
Any unnecessary inquiries will not be answered and will be deleted.

🗨️ How long do you keep emails and support tickets?
As per our policy, we only retain emails and support tickets for 4 days after the issue is resolved.
After this time, all conversations are deleted.

🗨️ I sent cryptocurrencies to a phishing page?
If you have come across a phishing page, please simply report it to the host and Google.
You can also warn users on the forums.
If you have sent parts to a phishing page, we will not be able to help you.
It is up to you to be careful about what you do.
As a precaution, please always verify the domain name before sending your cryptocurrencies.
A phishing page might look like this, for example: jôkêrmî - jookérmî - - jôkermî